AFAC's Cinema program supports feature and short-length fiction films in the Arab region. For feature-length films, the program welcomes submissions by Arab directors whose projects are in development, production, or post-production phases. For short films, the program supports projects in production and post-production, provided the director has not previously made a feature film.

For feature-length films, the Cinema program provides up to USD 10,000 in development grants, up to USD 50,000 in production grants, and up to USD 25,000 in post-production grants.

For short and medium-length films, the program provides up to USD 20,000 in production grants and up to USD 10,000 in post-production grants.


The Cinema grant program is open to applications from Arab directors and producers living in the Arab region or the diaspora. A non-Arab producer can apply for a grant provided that the film director is Arab. It is highly recommended that film projects applying to the production and post-production grants have producers attached to them.

Project applications are accepted irrespective of age, years of experience, country of residence, ethnicity, gender, or religion.

A film producer is eligible to apply with a maximum of two projects per category per cycle, provided the two projects are not attached to the same director.

Ineligible Candidates

AFAC will not consider applications submitted by:

Members of the AFAC board of trustees, their business partners, or family members.

AFAC staff members, their business partners, or family members.

Members of the current year’s reader and juror committees.

Applicants with a current open grant.

A director who already has an open grant from AFAC (regardless of whether the contract is in their name or the producer’s name).

Recipients of grants in two consecutive years will not be eligible to apply for the next two consecutive years. For example, if you received a grant in 2021 and another one in 2022, you will only be eligible to re-apply in 2025.

Film producers who have an open grant can apply with another project. If they have two open grants, they are not eligible to apply before the completion of one of the projects.

If a grantee has received two grants for the same film project, they cannot apply for post-production.


AFAC grants are intended for project production, including research and development phases. They may cover project-related expenses, including but not limited to materials, space or equipment rentals, and fees for artistic and technical labor and collaboration.

A Director and producer fee of not more than 30% of the total grant amount is also an allowable expense. If you are hesitant about how this works, you can always contact us with questions before submitting your final budget.

Given the high demand for production support, AFAC cannot guarantee that all selected grantees will receive their requested amounts in full. We encourage applicants to diversify their sources of funding whenever possible.

AFAC does not offer mobility grants, but travel expenses that are part of a project’s implementation and/or research may be covered by the grant.

AFAC will not provide support retroactively to projects that have already been completed.

For projects that have already started, we cover only expenses occurring after the agreement's signature date.

AFAC launches two open calls every year for its different grant programs. The first is open to applications for Creative and Critical Writings, Documentary Film, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts grants. The second call is open to applications for Cinema, Music, Documentary Photography and Training & Regional Events grants. Each applicant (individual or institution) can only submit one application during each open call.


Applications are only accepted through the online forms.

Applications submitted via regular mail or email will not be considered.

Applicants will receive a confirmation email once their application has been successfully submitted.

Please make sure your application is complete with all the requested supporting materials before submitting it. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

We encourage you to read the full application form before applying.

You can find a preview of the application here:
Cinema grant application form for film projects in development stage
Cinema grant application form for film projects in production stage
Cinema grant application form for film projects in post-production stage

Supporting Material

You are required to submit supporting material and samples for the project you are applying for. Supporting documents are essential to help the reader and juror committees understand your artistic approach as well as the overall feasibility of your project.

We will not consider applications without this material and will not contact you about any missing documents or samples. If you are in doubt about what documents to include, please reach out to us before submitting your application. We are happy to help guide you through this process.

Please review the supporting materials checklist.


Evaluation and Selection Process

When the call for applications is closed, our grants management team will review all received applications to make sure they are complete and adhere to our guidelines. Applications that do not meet our eligibility criteria or that are missing required materials will be disqualified.

The grants management team will send all eligible applications to an independent committee of readers, who will evaluate them according to our evaluation criteria to arrive at a first selection. The latter will then be sent to an independent jury committee, which will evaluate them according to the same criteria. The jury committee then meets to discuss the applications and reach a final selection decision. You can find more information about our selection process here.


We announce selected projects on our website and social media platforms with a statement from the jury committee.

Applicants will also receive an email before the announcement informing them whether or not their application was selected for a grant.


Grant Agreement

Upon selection, our grants management team will draft an agreement to be signed between AFAC and each grantee.

We expect projects to be completed within a maximum of two years from the signature of the grant agreement and any extension should be requested and approved in writing.

If you are not granted the requested amount in full, you will be asked to submit an updated budget.

The grants management team is available to help answer any questions and guide you through this process.


Grantee reports are a routine part of our grant-making process and help us know more about your project while also learning how to improve our grantmaking process. You will be expected to report on the project’s overall progress as well as on its expenditures through narrative and financial reports.

You will be informed of the types of reports and documents you must submit and can always contact us with questions.

Payment Conditions and Schedule

For development grants
1st transfer (70% of total grant) Signature of the grant agreement.
2nd transfer (30% of total grant) Submission and approval of final narrative and financial reports and outputs.
For production grants
1st transfer (25% of total grant) Signature of the grant agreement.
2nd transfer (60% of total grant) Expenditure of no less than 80% of the first transfer and submission and approval of interim narrative and financial reports.
3rd transfer (15% of total grant) Submission and approval of final narrative and financial reports and outputs.
For post-production grants
1st transfer (50% of total grant) Signature of the grant agreement.
2nd transfer (50% of total grant) Submission and approval of final narrative and financial reports and outputs.

AFAC acknowledgment

AFAC does not own any material or moral rights arising from the supported projects.

While grantees are contractually required to indicate AFAC’s support in their project communication, we consider them as natural partners in our pursuit of sustainability for the Arab cultural scene. Your endorsement and mention of AFAC in media, festivals, platforms, and other avenues help shed light on the importance of our work in supporting arts and culture and allow us to continue assisting future generations of artists.

Grantees are required to use the AFAC logo and complete title (The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture) according to our guidelines in all their project publications and deliverables (trailers, films, books, CDs, posters, etc.), as well as to indicate AFAC’s support in any press releases, interviews, or outreach materials. We will provide you with these guidelines with the grant agreement.

Grantees are also required to provide AFAC with print or digital copies of the final product and/or invitations to the final output events, as well as any related media. We might use media from supported projects in our noncommercial print and digital publications.

We may also get in touch with you about screening your films on our platforms or at our events.

Previous Jurors

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All That the Wind Can Carry

Maged Nader  •  Cinema  •  2018  •  Egypt

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A Gaza Weekend

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To All Naked Men

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To All Naked Men

Bassam Chekhes  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Syria


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Bassem Breche  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Lebanon

Diaries of a Flying Dog

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Chadi Aoun  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Lebanon

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Cinema Club

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Poisonous Roses

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Poisonous Roses

Ahmed Fawzi-Saleh  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Egypt

The Flag

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The Valley

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The River

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The Bridge

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The Bridge

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The Childhood of a Place (Part 2 and 3)

Hazem Alhamwi  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Syria

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The Sea is Behind

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And Romeo Married Juliette

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Hussen Ibrahim  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Lebanon

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Musical Apocalypse

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Faten Hamama's Honor

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Blind Sun

Joyce Nashawati  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Lebanon


Kamal Aljaafari  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Palestine

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The Street of Death and Other Stories

Karam Ghossein  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Lebanon


Karam Ali  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Palestine

Until the Birds Return

Karim Moussaoui  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Algeria

About Separation

Kawthar Younis  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Egypt

Notes on Displacement

Khaled Jarrar  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Palestine


Khaled Abdulwahed  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Syria

The Colonel's Stray Dogs

Khalid Shamis  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Libya

Daoud's Winter

Kotaiba Al Janabi  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Iraq


Lailla Kilani  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Morocco

Nation Estate

Larissa Sansour  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Palestine

In Vitro

Larissa Sansour  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Palestine

Al Quds, My City

Liana Badr  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Palestine

Ibrahim: A Fate to Define

Lina Alabed  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Palestine

Personal Matters

Maha Assal  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Palestine

A Drowning Man

Mahdi Fleifel  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Palestine

To a Land Unknown

Mahdi Fleifel  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Palestine

We were Communists

Maher Abi Samra  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Lebanon

Stable Unstable

Mahmoud Hojeij  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Palestine

3000 Nights

Mai Masri  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Palestine

A Few Days in Syria

Majd Hijjawi  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Jordan

Dangerous Profiles

Mark Louis  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Egypt

A Lake the Size of a Papaya

Marwa Zein  •  Cinema  •  2010  •  Sudan

Our River…Our Sky

Maysoon Pachachi  •  Cinema  •  2014  • 

A Son

Mehdi Barsaoui  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Tunisia

Divine Wind

Merzak Allouache  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Algeria

The Return

Meyar Al-Roumi  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Syria

Beirut Hold'em

Michel Kammoun  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Lebanon

If Only Brightness Had Eyes

Mohamad Malas  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Syria

The Journey

Mohamed Al Daradji  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Iraq


Mohamed Ben Attia  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Tunisia


Mohamed Ben Attia  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Tunisia


Ismail  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Tunisia

Little Joys

Mohammad Al Sharif Treibak  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Morocco


Mohammed Abunasser  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Palestine

The Cactus Borders

Mohammed Al Hawajri  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Palestine

On that Day

Mohanad Yaqubi  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Palestine

The Reports on Sarah and Saleem

Muayad Alayan  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Palestine


Nabil Maleh  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Syria

Chaos, Disorder

Nadine Khan  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Egypt


Nadir Bouhmouch  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Morocco

Pomegranate & Myrrh

Najwa Najjar  •  Cinema  •  2007  •  Palestine

Family Albums

Nassim Amaouche, Mais Darwazah, Erige Sehiri, Sameh Zoabi  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Palestine

Shadow of a Man

Niam Itani  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Lebanon

How Grandmother Became a Chair

Fabian Driehorst  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Lebanon

Storm in the Selwan Valley

Nidal Abu Dyab  •  Cinema  •  2010  •  Palestine


Omar Abdellatif  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Egypt

Al Medina

Omar Shargawi  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Palestine

This Haunting Memory That Is Not My Own

Panos Aprahamian  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Lebanon


Philippe Aractingi  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Lebanon

The Trees Also Die

Rabih El-Amine  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Lebanon

I Crossed the Hallway

Rabih El-Amine  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Lebanon

Cairo Diaries

Raed Yassin  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Lebanon

Al Hawi Khattaf Al Tabaq

Rakan Mayasi  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Jordan


Rana Eid  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Lebanon

Parallel Architectures

Rania Fouad  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Egypt


Rania Rafei  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Lebanon

What Comes Around

Reem Saleh  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Lebanon


Roy Dib  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Lebanon

Landscape at Noon

Roy Samaha  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Lebanon

Filmi (My film)

Royal Film Commission  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Jordan

Strange Cities are Familiar

Saeed Taji Farouky  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Palestine

Mohammad Saved from the Water

Safaa Fathy  •  Cinema  •  2010  •  Egypt

Henna and the Wall

Salah AL-Murr  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Sudan

Yusra and Dorothy

Salim Abu Jabal  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Syria

Professor of Light

Samir Abdallah  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Egypt

As I Open my Eyes

Leyla Bouzid  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Tunisia

Birds of September

Sarah Francis  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Lebanon


Sarra Abidi  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Tunisia


Shaza Moharam  •  Cinema  •  2011  •  Egypt

Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim

Sherif El Bendary  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Egypt

Two Rooms and a Reception

Sherif El Bendary  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Egypt

Via Dolorosa

Sobhi Al Zbaidi  •  Cinema  •  2009  •  Palestine

The Day I Lost my Shadow

Soudade Kaadan  •  Cinema  •  2013  •  Syria

The Poster

Suha Arraf  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Palestine

Talking About Trees

Suhaib Gasmelbari  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Sudan

Those from the Shore

Tamara Stepanyan  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Lebanon


Rasha Gawdat  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Egypt

In the last days of the city

Tamer El Said  •  Cinema  •  2007  •  Egypt

In the Last Days of the City

Tamer El Said  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Egypt

Filmmaking Workshop

The Freedom Theatre  •  Cinema  •  2008  •  Palestine

Boy from War

Usama Alshaibi  •  Cinema  •  2016  •  Iraq


Vatche Boulghourjian  •  Cinema  •  2014  •  Lebanon

Scent of a Revolution

Viola Shafik  •  Cinema  •  2012  •  Egypt


Yassine El Idrissi  •  Cinema  •  2017  •  Morocco

The occupants

Youssef Chebbi  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Tunisia

Taste of Cement

Ziad Kalthoum  •  Cinema  •  2015  •  Syria


Sulafa Hijazi  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Syria

The Assassins

Masar Sohail  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Iraq

Goodbye Julia

Mohamed Kordofani  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Sudan

Shadow of the Butterflies

Sofia El Khyari  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Morocco

Al Gharib

Ameer Fakher Eldin  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Syria

Goodbye Lapis Lazuli

Rima Alhamedd  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Syria


Humaid Alsuwaidi  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  United Arab Emirates

Death of a Virgin, and the Sin of not Living

George Peter Barbari  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Lebanon

A House in Jerusalem

Muayad Alayan  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Palestine

The Meursault Investigation

Malek Bensmail  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Algeria


Faouzi Bensaïdi  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Morocco


Zahra Berrada  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Morocco

Who Do I Belong To

Meryam Joobeur  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Tunisia

Happy Holidays

Scandar Copti  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Palestine

Costa Brava, Lebanon

Mounia Akl  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Lebanon


Yasmine Benkiran  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Morocco

Red Path

Lotfi Achour  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Tunisia

Ad Libitum

Mariam Al Ferjani  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Tunisia

The Greatest Wait

Razan AlSalah  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Palestine

Chained Prey

Esmail Zalat  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Egypt

The River

Ghassan Salhab  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Lebanon


Ayten Amin  •  Cinema  •  2019  •  Egypt

The Night Came About

Mira Adoumier  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Lebanon

Occupied Territories

Ahmad Natche  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Palestine

The Settlement

Mohamed Rashad  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Egypt

People of Solitude

Tariq Teguia  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Algeria

Day of Friday the Animal

Mo Assyouti  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Egypt

No Sheep Like Home

Mahmoud Hojeij  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Lebanon

The Key

Rakan Mayasi  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Palestine

Shadow of the Butterflies

Sofia El Khyari  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Morocco


Ragda Alazizi  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Syria

Perfumed with Mint

Muhammed Hamdy  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Egypt

Hanging Gardens

Ahmed Yassin Al Daradji  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Iraq

All That the Wind Can Carry

Maged Nader  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Egypt


Nejib Belkadhi  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Tunisia


Bassem Breche  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Lebanon

Then Came Dark

Marie-Rose Osta  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Lebanon

The Stranger

Ameer Fakher Eldin  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Syria


Haider Rashid  •  Cinema  •  2020  •  Iraq


Islam Kamal  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

The Renaissance

Nader Ayache  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Tunisia

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Mohamed Samir  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

The Blind Ferryman

Ali Al-Fatlawi  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Iraq

Afro AI

Hajooj Kuka  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Sudan


Miftah Saeid  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Libya

The Day Vladimir Died

Fadi Syriani  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Lebanon


Kamal Lazraq  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Morocco

Will my Parents Come to See Me

Muhamed Bashiir Harawe  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Somalia

The Last Miracle

Abdelwahab Shawky  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

Wear and Tear

Sarra Abidi  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Tunisia


Aziz Zoromba  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt


Azedine Kasri  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Algeria


Ala Eddine Slim  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Tunisia


Hussen Ibraheem  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Lebanon

Seas of the Pearly Lands: Light Conversations

omnia sabry  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

Hide and seek

Rami Abbas  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Palestine

Hamlet from the Slums

Ahmed Fawzi-Saleh  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

Mar Mama

Majdi El Omari  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Palestine


Lotfy Nathan  •  Cinema  •  2021  •  Egypt

So the Lovers Could Come Out Again

George Peter Barbari  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

Like Salt

Darine Hotait  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon


Raed Andoni  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Palestine


Said Zagha  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Palestine


Mehdi Barsaoui  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Tunisia

Cinéma, Mon Amour

Ibrahim Handal  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Palestine

The Last City

Ghassan Salhab  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

Grey Glow

Michèle Tyan  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

Seeking Haven for Mr Rambo

Khaled Mansour  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Egypt

Leila's Trial

Nawel Charlie Kouka  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Tunisia

Soon We Will All Be History Here

Saeed Taji Farouky  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Palestine

Cotton Queen

Suzannah Mirghani  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Sudan

The House is on Fire, Might as Well Get Warm

Mouloud Ouyahia  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Algeria


Lara Zeidan  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

Nadi Al Abtal

Yumna Marwan  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

That Is Enough

Maged Atta  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Egypt

Al Tih (The Wilderness)

Tala Hadid  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Morocco

The City of Ys

Lana AL Zaidi  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Iraq

How the Sea Became Salty

Maysoon El-Massry  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Egypt

Goodbye Julia

Mohamed Kordofani  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Sudan

The Last Days of R.M.

Amin Sidi-Boumédiène  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Algeria

All Before You

Anne Marie Jacir  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Palestine


Amel Guellaty  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Tunisia

The Sea and its Waves

Liana & Renaud  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Lebanon

Behind the Mountains

Mohamed Ben Attia  •  Cinema  •  2022  •  Tunisia

Madness and Honey Days

Ahmed Yassin Al Daradji  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Iraq

Lily's Mecca

Marwa Zein  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Sudan


Sandra Tabet  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Lebanon

Wild Flowers

Ahmad El Khouja  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Lebanon

Bab El Sahra

Salem Brahimi  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Algeria

04:30 AM

Mohammed Atiyah Al-Darraji  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Iraq

El Bastardiya (Once Upon A Time In Tripoli)

Abdullah Al-Ghaly  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Libya

Cement Labyrinth

Marie-Rose Osta  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Lebanon

Aisha Can't Fly Away Anymore

Mourad Mostafa  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Egypt


Dima Hamdan  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Palestine

I Fly Away From You All

Sameh Alaa  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Egypt

Red Bus in Baghdad

Ali Mohammed Saeed  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Iraq

A Thing That Never Happened

Majd Zaghir  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Syria

The Settlement

Mohamed Rashad  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Egypt

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Muayad Alayan  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Palestine

The Station

Sara Ishaq  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Yemen

The Bride of the Rain

Driss Ouaamar  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Morocco

I Broke a Vase

Asim Abdulaziz Ahmed  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Yemen

The Flag

Mashal Kawasmi  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Palestine

The Legend of the Lost Tribes

Naël Zaiti-Ruelle  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Algeria

If Only You Knew, I'm Not Here

Sara Shahin  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Egypt


Randa Maroufi  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Morocco

Songs of Adam

Oday Rasheed  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Iraq

Who Do I Belong To

Meryam Joobeur  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Tunisia

Les Tempêtes (The Storms)

Dania Reymond-Boughenou  •  Cinema  •  2023  •  Algeria