“AFAC seems to consistently fund projects that push boundaries and are perceived as risky by other funders. They judge on artistic merit and don’t censor or interfere in content. They have made so many artists happy.”
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture – AFAC currently runs nine open call grants programs and one training program by nomination. Each grants program has one annual open call during which applications are submitted online. The grants support individual artists and institutions through the following programs: Visual Arts (VA), Performing Arts (PA), Documentary Film (ADP), Arab Documentary Photography (ADPP), Creative and Critical writings (CCW), Research on the Arts (RAP), Music, Training and Regional Events (TR), and Cinema. The tenth program, Arts and Culture Entrepreneurship (ACE), targets arts and culture institutions through a nomination process. The AFAC support is extended through the grants cycle only. No support is given outside the open call.

AFAC receives annually around 1500 applications across all programs. The evaluation process happens in two stages: a preselection by a committee of readers and a final selection by a committee of jurors. Each program has its own specialized and independent readers’ committee and jury whose members are selected anew every year.

Previously, AFAC had run a number of other programs that are now closed. Those include: Literature grants program, AFAC Novel Writing Program, Crossroads, AFAC Express, and the Arab Documentary Film Program.

Grant guidelines and evaluation process are detailed in each program’s page.



What forms of artistic and cultural productions does AFAC support?
AFAC supports projects in the fields of: cinema, performing arts, visual arts, music, training and regional events, documentary film, documentary photography, research on the Arts, and Creative and Critical Writings.
Can I apply with a multidisciplinary project?
If I am applying with a multidisciplinary project, which program should I apply to?
In the case of multidisciplinary projects, applicants should consider the final output of the project and choose the most appropriate grants program accordingly. For example, if your project combines music and video and the final output is an installation, you should apply to the visual arts program. If the final output is a concert, you should apply to the music grants program. If you are in doubt, consult the grants management team.
Does AFAC offer mobility grants?
No. AFAC does not offer grant mobility. Travel, touring and accommodation can be supported if they are part of the project production/implementation.
Does AFAC offer scholarships?
No. AFAC does not offer scholarships.
Does AFAC offer 100% funding for projects?
AFAC can support 100% funding to certain projects. After a decision is made to award a grant, the jurors recommend the percentage of the requested amount to be awarded for each project to the AFAC board of trustees, which has the final say on granted amounts.
Is it possible to submit a funding request for the creation of a website dealing with culture and literature?
Yes. It is possible to apply for the upgrade of a website dealing with culture, literature and/or the arts through the Training and Regional Events and the Creative and Critical Writings grants programs.
Does AFAC support the production or scripting of feature film projects?
Yes. AFAC supports film projects in the stages of development, production or post-production. Applicants must choose one type of support. Support for multiple stages is not possible. 
Does AFAC support workshops /seminars on culture and the arts?
Does AFAC reconsider projects that were rejected during a previous cycle?
Yes. Applicants must submit a new application, even if it is for the same project that they applied with during the previous cycle.
Can the same project fit in two different grants programs?
Yes. Certain projects can be fit for more than one program. For example, a project that involves a music festival can be submitted to the music grants program or the Training and Regional Events program. However, applicants must choose only one program to apply to. 
How do I apply for the AFAC grant?
Applicants must submit an online application through the AFAC website during the open call period that varies between one program and the other. All calls for proposals are announced on the website and social media platforms. Each call for proposal remains open for approximately three months.
When can I apply?
Each grants program has three-month open call duration. The dates for the open call and deadlines vary between one program and the other. Each program’s deadline is mentioned on its page on the AFAC website. (Example: Visual Arts program opens on February 1st and closes on May 1st; Music program opens on June 1st and closes on September 1st).
In which language(s) can I submit my application?
Applications for Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Cinema, Music, Training and Regional Events and AFAC Documentary Program can be submitted in either Arabic or English. Applications for Creative and Critical Writings can be submitted in Arabic only, while applications for AFAC Documentary Photography Program are only available in English. The Research on the Arts Program applications can be submitted in either English, French or Arabic.
It is not possible for me to submit an online application due to technical difficulties. Does this mean I cannot apply for the grant?
Yes. AFAC accepts online submissions only. However, if you are facing a technical difficulty with the AFAC online application, we encourage you to write to rachad.chamoun@arabculturefund.org
Do I need to complete the online application all at once?
No. You may return to the online application as many times as necessary between when you start the application and the deadline. Be sure to save your work as a draft as you are filling in the application. Once the application has been submitted, you will no longer be able to alter the information. 
Can I ask for feedback on my application before submission?
Yes and no. AFAC’s management team will provide applicants with general feedback on whether their proposed project fits into the program, fulfills eligibility requirements, and on specific issues regarding the application materials requested. However, applicants will not be provided with feedback on the content and quality of their application and proposal. 
What materials will I have to submit for my application?
Every application will require the completion of the online application form. Additionally, each grant program requires a specific set of supporting material that are detailed in each program’s page. All supporting material (other than in pdf, word, excel…format) must be uploaded and remain available until the grants’ announcement to sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, DropBox or other similar services but not Wetransfer. 
Is it possible to apply for a grant without attaching examples/samples of previous works?
No. Examples and samples are required. However, it is your first project, you should still submit samples from the proposed project (e.g. a chapter from a novel, a film treatment, an act from a play or a chapter of research).
Do I have to submit my budget with the application?
Yes. You must submit your budget in order for your application to be considered complete.
What is the minimum and maximum funding amount I can apply for?
For film proposals applying for a development grant in AFAC Documentary Program and Cinema, the maximum grant amount is 10,000 USD. For all remaining proposals, the maximum grant amount is 50,000 USD with no condition on the minimum amount requested.
How will I know my application has been submitted?
You will receive a confirmation email from the system informing you that you have submitted the application. If you do not receive an email, your application is incomplete and has not been submitted. If you have completed the application, but have not received an email, please contact rachad.chamoun@arabculturefund.org
Is it possible to send updates on my project after the submission?
Yes. Applicants can notify the AFAC grants managers of any updates affecting their project’s application as long the results are not announced. However, you cannot send a new project file (e.g. script, new project description, play,…) after you had submitted your application.
Is it possible apply as an institution if we are registered as a commercial entity and not an NGO?
Yes. AFAC accepts proposals from commercially registered companies.
What is the expected duration of grant?
The maximum duration of the grant is two years.  
Is it possible to dedicate a portion of the grant for myself?
Yes. As an artist, you can account for your fees as long as the amount does not exceed 20% of the total grant amount.  Applicants to the Creative and Critical Writings and the Research on the Arts programs can calculate their fees on a 30% basis out of the total grant requested. 
Am I eligible to apply for the AFAC grant if I am from an Arab country but not “Arab” or do not hold the citizenship of an Arab country?
Yes. AFAC welcomes proposals from professionals working in the artistic and cultural fields it supports who are from an Arab country or residents in an Arab country, even if they are citizenless or not regarded as “Arab” (by others or themselves). Applicants are eligible if they are nationals (not necessarily citizens) of an Arab country living in the Arab region (for example, citizenless Palestinians, Kurds, or other individuals/groups denied citizenship for political reasons). 
(An Arab country is defined by its membership in the League of Arab States (Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen).

I fit the criteria but do not live in the Arab region. Am I eligible to apply for an AFAC grant?
Yes. The AFAC grant also funds applicants who live and work outside the Arab world.
Am I eligible to apply for an AFAC grant if I am not from an Arab country (as noted above) but am a specialist who works on the Arab region?
Yes and no. The AFAC grant funds professionals and artists who are from an Arab country. However, if you are an institution that is non-Arab and/or is based outside the Arab country, you can apply for a grant as long as your project is related to the Arab region. Also, if you are a film producer and not an Arab, you can apply for a grant as long as the project you are producing is attached to an Arab director.
Can I apply if I have previously benefited from an AFAC grant?
Yes, but only if the grant you have received has been closed. Additionally, in the case where you had received two grants in two consecutive years, you have to skip two years before you can apply again.
Can I apply for more than one grant at the same time (e.g. applying with two projects in visual arts or one project in visual arts and another in performing arts)?
No. Each applicant (individual or institution) is entitled to only one application in the same category. Additionally, if an applicant has an application that is in process, s/he cannot submit another application in any category until the result of the current application in process is announced. 
Does AFAC accept applications from individuals with no institutional backing?
Yes. AFAC supports both individuals and institutions/organizations. Approximately 75 percent of our grantees are individuals, while the remaining 25 percent are institutions.

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