Abu El-Kheizaran Road

The popular theatre society for performing arts and training  |  Performing Arts  |  2016  |  Palestine
Producer: Obaida Salah: obaida.osalah@gmail.com
An experimental theater performance that links the Palestinian exodus (Al-Nakbah) with the dramatic context lived by the Arab region today. The play revolves around the character of Abou-El-Khayzaran, who helped destitute refugees looking for a job, escape to Kuwait in the novel “Men in the Sun” by Ghassan Kanafani. In the first part of the play, he refugees are transported inside a closed tanker and get killed by the dreadful heat of the Kuwaiti sun; in the second part, he brings a group of Syrians, Iraqis and Palestinians unto a treacherous boat ride across the Mediterranean, where they are swallowed by the sea.