Interactive Digital Training Guide for Creative and Satirical Writing

Alhudood  |  Training and Regional Events  |  2019  |  Jordan
Through this project, “Alhudood” plans to launch an interactive online training platform aiming at involving the Arab reader, especially youths, with creative and sarcastic writing mechanisms and methods, and training them in an interactive manner that encourages them to innovate and think differently when commenting on the news and issues that occur around them. The platform would thereby encourage these young Arab readers to be part of the content creation process rather than mere receivers. The project focuses on building training material of satirical content, in the form of an expanded file that explains in a simple and straightforward manner what the “Alhudood” team has amassed over the past six years on how to produce creative and satirical content and disseminate it through an interactive platform with youths interested in this genre of writing.